Reperage Educational Platform Communication Practices
Communication Practices Ι
Overview – Reperage Livestreaming video

Achieving meaningful social change is a major challenge that can’t be achieved without the emergence of a diverse stream of positive, though real, information throughout Europe by the social actors that actually work to tackle social challenges.
With our Erasmus+ project “Reperage” we worked with young people from France, Italy, Spain, Lithuania and Greece on storytelling practices using cost-efficient methods to improve the communication of their activities and maximize their impact.
The resulting educational material is hosted here, along with additional tools and best practices that can help social actors communicate and disseminate their messages in the most efficient way.
Communication Practices ΙI
Articles – Storytelling through INK & Video tutorial
Communication Practices ΙII
Photo – Storytelling through the Lens & Video tutorial
Communication Practices ΙV
Sound – Storytelling through Sound & Video tutorial
Communication Practices V
Video – Storytelling through film & Video tutorial

Storytelling through the film: Although actual film is used rarely those days moving pictures are all around us, participants of Reperage Training course have experimented with cinema cameras and the traditional interview setup to share with you tips that can make your productions stand out.